Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Operation: Must Fit Into Dress!

Sooooooooooo....I'm going to Vegas in about a week.  As most of you know, I love playing dress up and want to wear all these cute dresses while i'm there (I can be such a girl, i KNOW!).  So...I started OSBing and eating better last week, lost a bit of momentum the past couple of days, but I'm headed to the gym right after i finish this post! OPERATION: MUST FIT INTO DRESS will be in full effect starting...NOW!

I'm really really really short on time, but here's the O:SB game plan:

Tracy Anderson workout for arms and abs ( Everybody gives me shit for liking her so much.  But...LOOK...AT...HER! seriously??!  SICK!


Ross Training for weights and burpees <--dunno about that one (  Learned about him from the fighters at the gym.  It's a lot of one armed free weights, circut training, BURPEES, and other crazy stuff. I am also a huge fan of his,"20 minute cardio max"! 

Oh how i wish i had a big ass tire and sledgehammer!

Shane's workouts for cardio, legs, and pylometrics.  Shane is a local celebrity.  She's a personal trainer, teaches kickboxing and weight training at UC Berkeley (where she has the BIGGEST groupie fan base), and she owns/runs UrbanKick and UrbanRun.  You should train with her if you are in the Berkeley/Oakland Area.  She will kick your ass  (

I am a Shane Groupie! She is bad ass!

So....i thought it'd be funny to poke a little fun at myself and post "before and after" OSB pictures.  But I realize I don't have much time to work my transformation won't be very dramatic (but i guess it'd be funnier if nothing changes or if i actually gain weight instead.  oh geez...i hope not!)

This was me last week.  Kinda embarassing. :(   Even more embarassing??  I've probably gained a pound or two since then! HAHAHA  But just for this experiment's sake, we'll use this as the baseline:

Notice the big t-shirt as I try to hide some of the fat.
Uh oh...i have announced my goal to the world! The pressure is ON!  (gulp)


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

To: My Rocks of Rocks

After sooooooo many requests (1) for a new blog post, I decided it was time to write again.  Not much has been going on so I'm going to use this post as a dedication to my "Rocks of Rocks":  Unicorn/Horse BFF, The Great Wall of China, Losbroccoli, Laura K (how can i not have a nickname for you?? i guess you can't stay anonymous then. haha ), Riff (to my Raff), my Original Gangsta, Lem, Marv, and Doro.

2010 was "[Sandy's] horrible, terrible, no good, very bad [year]".  But because of you guys, I'm rebounding to a pretty great 2011.  Thanks for being YOU!

Hmm...just for fun, I think I'll just turn this post into a "Rocks of Rocks" vocabulary lesson :)


YOY,SOY,FOF= Year of Yes, Spring/Summer of Yes, Fall of Fun (I always say 'Fall of F*ck' in my head. such a meat head, i know!). This is a reminder to ourselves to always try new things, meet new people, and just have fun. Coined by the Chensies circa 2008, it's the motto we live by.  Some would consider it our religion! :) I believe we are currently on SOY version 6.0.

OSB = Operation: Sexy Beast.  Coined by my Original Gangsta and myself circa 2003.  I think it went something like this:
            Me:  Dude!  I'm getting FAT!
            OG:  Not me! I've been working out.  I'm going to be a BEAST!
            Me:  Ooooh oooooh oooooh!  I want to be a beast too! 
            OG:  Girls can't be beasts!
            Me:  ok...i'll be a SEXY beast then!  Operation: Sexy Beast! O.S.B! woot WOOT!

If you are at the gym and you hear an obnoxious person chanting, "O.S.B! O.S.B!! O.S.B!!!" with every push up, squat, or sit up...THAT is of one of "my people"!  :)

Bread (White, Rye, Wheat, Panini, Toast, Dirty Toast) = How Riff and Raff describe dudes. Guys refer to chicks as protein. We refer to dudes as carbs (February 2010).

Unicorns = Magical (this is debatable) but not real. A dude you could or should NEVER be with.  Lem coined this in June 2009.  She defined them as "mythical beasts" (but "beast" in a bad way, not in the "sexy beast" kind of way). haha

Horses =  Trustworthy, loyal, and handsome. These are the dudes you WANT to be with. Horses trump Unicorns ALWAYS!  I coined this for my Horse BFF (February 2011).  "He's your horse!" <3 umm...the downside?  real horse.  real shit. 

There are plenty more...but too lazy to think right now.  Much love to the Tier 1!


Friday, July 01, 2011

Worst Student EVER :(

I figured if I were to learn to cook, I should start with the basics so i signed up for a Knife Skills class tonight. I was the worst student in the class. :(

I don't even remember the # of times I got yelled at by the instructor.  Normally, I probably would have been humored by it.  But today, it just made me feel EXTRA shitty.  yuck.  Here are some examples, "NO SANDY!  NOT like that!"when i smushed the garlic wrong.  "Stop making those chopping noises.  You're supposed to be slicing!" when I couldn't cut through that stupid carrot.  And my favorite? "Sorry to make an example of you again, Sandy...but class...that is what you're NOT supposed to do" when I had my knife angled in the wrong direction or something. hindsight, it was kiiiiinnnndaaaa funny.  But it really wasn't at the time! :(

This was my sad potato:

I was kinda good at cutting spinach though!  I got really excited when my "waves" came out.  I guess they looked more like "Vs" huh?

I did impress myself last week though!  I gathered a bunch of recipes from my friends and just started cooking!  I have no proof so you'll have to take my word for it, but I made a REALLY good Korean meal (thanks for the recipes Wendy)!  I made bulgogi, calbi, and spicy tofu soup! <---I even made the broth from scratch!

I also did some baking- red velvet cupcakes with vanilla cream cheese frosting, carrot cake cupcakes with maple cream cheese frosting, and Doro's top secret banana bread with choco chips. I swooned myself for actually doing it and then I gained 5 pounds from all the "quality control". :(
Super Secret Banana Bread

Carrot Cake Cupcakes from Patricia

So what's next?  Well, I have a Thai cooking class on Saturday...and I decided I am going to take a break from all the baking/cooking for awhile and go on a diet.  :(
