Ok...now to what you've all been waiting for! Pineapple infused Vodka!!! I'll make this blog post easy for you. More pictures, less text.
The Main Event: B vs. Sandy
B first tasted Pineapple infused Vodka at the Village Bistro in Santana Row. Refreshing and delicious...he was inspired to make it at home. Being the good researcher that he is, B found a blog that had pretty pictures and directions on how to make it. (+10 points to B for researching). However, B never actually READ the blog, but Sandy DID...and discovered that the directions weren't very clear. "It's ok. we will follow the pretty pictures and improvise", she said. (+20 points to Sandy for being such a motivating team captain AND +20 points to Sandy for using an "artistic license" right there BOOYA! HAHAH ).
+25 points to B for choosing the perfect Vodka for this project and picking up just the right amount (four 1.75L bottles! Umm...to put this in perspective...THAT is 4 COSTCO SIZED bottles!). |
+40 points to Sandy for choosing the BEST pineapples EVER! |
-2 points to Sandy for interpretting the instruction of "cut pineapple into bricks" wrong. +20 points to Sandy bc it was NOT her fault for not knowing what a pineapple "brick" was! |
+1 point to B for even owning this lovely platter. HAHAHHAHAHAH |
+10 points to B for figuring out what a pineapple "brick" actually is. |
+50 points to Sandy for making B wash the big ass glass container. :D (see previous 2 blog posts for reasons why)
+20 points to Sandy for starting to lay out the pineapple bricks.
+20 points to Sandy for finishing the pineapple brick laying. -20 points to B for not cutting off all of pineapple rind.
+30 points to Sandy for taking this great picture of the Stoli and pinapple filled container. It's sooooooo good that Stoli should pay her to use this picture in an ad campaign.
+25 points to Sandy for pouring the first bottle of Stoli into the big ass glass container. +25 points to B for having cool pink disco lights...in the bedroom? hahahah
+6 points to B for taking this cool picture. +20 points to Sandy for suggesting it. :)
+8 points to B for carrying the heavy container down to the scary basement ( the weight of ~ 3 pineapples and 3 costco sized vodkas!). Plus another 10 points for having cool GREEN disco lights in the basement. (How did i never notice all these cool disco lights all over the place?! HAHAAH) -20 points to Sandy for not locking B in the basement JUST for fun! :D
+50 points to B for taking THIS awesome shot.
+1 point to B for cutting the remainder of the pineapple...laying down the rest of the pineapple bricks... pouring the rest of the vodka...and bringing the last containers down to the basement....
+50 points to Sandy for taking a picture of B's beautiful pineapple bricks. She admits he is a better pineapple brick layer than she is. So...+100 bonus points to Sandy for being so HONEST, FAIR and RATIONAL... ALL THE TIME. :D
+50 points to Sandy for taking this picture of all the arts & crafts of the day.
Plus another 100 points to Sandy for taking this one! :D
And........all scores are forgotten as we relax with a bottle of apple cider purchased earlier in the day (but also because i'm lazy and hate mental math..shhhhhhh). Anyway....OUR cider and OUR Pineapple infused VODKA is going to be waaaaaaaaaaay better than this manufacturered stuff! WE WIN!!!! YAY!!! p.s. sorry B for being a brat. IJMU. |
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