Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Operation: Must Fit Into Dress!

Sooooooooooo....I'm going to Vegas in about a week.  As most of you know, I love playing dress up and want to wear all these cute dresses while i'm there (I can be such a girl, i KNOW!).  So...I started OSBing and eating better last week, lost a bit of momentum the past couple of days, but I'm headed to the gym right after i finish this post! OPERATION: MUST FIT INTO DRESS will be in full effect starting...NOW!

I'm really really really short on time, but here's the O:SB game plan:

Tracy Anderson workout for arms and abs ( Everybody gives me shit for liking her so much.  But...LOOK...AT...HER! seriously??!  SICK!


Ross Training for weights and burpees <--dunno about that one (  Learned about him from the fighters at the gym.  It's a lot of one armed free weights, circut training, BURPEES, and other crazy stuff. I am also a huge fan of his,"20 minute cardio max"! 

Oh how i wish i had a big ass tire and sledgehammer!

Shane's workouts for cardio, legs, and pylometrics.  Shane is a local celebrity.  She's a personal trainer, teaches kickboxing and weight training at UC Berkeley (where she has the BIGGEST groupie fan base), and she owns/runs UrbanKick and UrbanRun.  You should train with her if you are in the Berkeley/Oakland Area.  She will kick your ass  (

I am a Shane Groupie! She is bad ass!

So....i thought it'd be funny to poke a little fun at myself and post "before and after" OSB pictures.  But I realize I don't have much time to work my transformation won't be very dramatic (but i guess it'd be funnier if nothing changes or if i actually gain weight instead.  oh geez...i hope not!)

This was me last week.  Kinda embarassing. :(   Even more embarassing??  I've probably gained a pound or two since then! HAHAHA  But just for this experiment's sake, we'll use this as the baseline:

Notice the big t-shirt as I try to hide some of the fat.
Uh oh...i have announced my goal to the world! The pressure is ON!  (gulp)



  1. You should also check out for workouts, or if you're feeling really hardcore!

  2. Lame if you're doing these before after pictures fully clothed

  3. StubbedMyToeAgain4:27 AM

    @Rome: thanks! I'll check it out! I'm thinking of trying some crossfit classes as well!
    @Bayani: Not lame. There is no need to COMPLETELY embarass myself.
